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Notes | Ryan Holiday's on Discipline

  Ryan Holiday's  on Discipline

What is discipline?

Discipline is not about pain or restraint, but about living up to the standards that you have set for yourself.

The highest form of discipline

The highest form of discipline is the ability to be flexible and adapt to different situations.

Discipline gives us freedom

Discipline can give us freedom by allowing us to control our own thoughts and actions.

  Ryan Holiday's  on Discipline

Discipline is not about pain or restraint, but about living up to the standards that you have set for yourself.

This means that discipline is not about punishing yourself or making your life more difficult. Instead, it's about choosing to live in a way that is aligned with your values and goals. For example, if you value your health, you might make disciplined choices about your diet and exercise habits. If you value your productivity, you might set disciplined work hours and stick to a schedule.

The highest form of discipline is the ability to be flexible and adapt to different situations.

This means being able to adjust your plans and behavior as needed in order to achieve your goals. For example, if you have a disciplined workout routine, but you're feeling sick, you might need to modify your workout or skip it altogether. Or, if you have a disciplined work schedule, but you have an unexpected meeting, you might need to adjust your schedule to accommodate it.

Discipline gives us freedom by allowing us to control our own thoughts and actions.

When we are disciplined, we are not controlled by our impulses or emotions. Instead, we are able to choose how we want to think and act. This gives us a sense of freedom and empowerment. For example, if we are disciplined about our spending habits, we are not controlled by our desire to buy things that we don't need. Or, if we are disciplined about our time management, we are not controlled by the demands of others.

Here are some examples of how discipline can give us freedom:

  • If you are disciplined about your finances, you have the freedom to choose how you spend your money and to save for your future goals.
  • If you are disciplined about your health, you have the freedom to enjoy your life more fully and to avoid health problems down the road.
  • If you are disciplined about your work, you have the freedom to choose your own projects and to set your own deadlines.
  • If you are disciplined about your relationships, you have the freedom to choose who you spend your time with and to build strong and healthy relationships.

Discipline is not always easy, but it is a key ingredient for living a free and fulfilling life.


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